Jos de Mul. De digitalisering van de cultuur. In G. Extra (red.), Lustrumbundel Faculteit der Letteren, KUB, Tilburg 1997, 26-49.

Jos de Mul. Networked Identities. In: Michael B. Roetto (ed.), ProceedingsSeventh International Symposium on Electronic Art,Rotterdam 1997, 11-16.

Jos de Mul. Echo’s van een laatste God. In: Jan Hoet (red), Kunst na de dood van God. Baarn: Gooi en Sticht, 1997, 13-31.

Jos de Mul. Developmental Philosophy and Postmodernism. In: A.W. van Haaften, M. Korthals en T. Wren (red.), Philosophy of Development. Reconstructing the Foundations of Human Development and Education, Series Philosophy and Education Vol. 8. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 245-260.

Jos de Mul. Structuralist and Hermeneutic Approaches to Development. In: A.W. van Haaften, M. Korthals en T. Wren (red.),Philosophy of Development. Reconstructing the Foundations of Human Development and Education, Series Philosophy and Education Vol. 8. Dordrecht/Boston/London: luwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 223-243.

Jos de Mul. Artistic Development. In: A.W. van Haaften, M. Korthals en T. Wren (red.), Philosophy of Development. Reconstructing the Foundations of Human Development and Education, Series Philosophy and Education Vol. 8. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 183-198.

Jos de Mul. Aesthetic Development. In: A.W. van Haaften, M. Korthals en T. Wren (red.), Philosophy of Development. Reconstructing the Foundations of Human Development and Education, Series Philosophy and Education Vol. 8. Dordrecht/Boston/London (Kluwer Academic Publishers) 1996, 135-152.

Jos de Mul. Laudatio bij het verlenen van een eredoctoraat aan / Laudation Doctorate Honoris Causa to Professor Dr. H.L. Dreyfus. In: Dies Natalis Diesrede en laudatio's eredoctoraten Vijfentachtigste dies natalis / Foundation Day Foucation day speech and laudations Doctores honoris causa eighty-fifth foundation day. Rotterdam (Erasmus University) 1998, 19-21, 44-46.

Jos de Mul. Laudatio bij het verlenen van een eredoctoraat aan / Laudation Doctorate Honoris Causa to Professor Dr. H.L. Dreyfus. In: Dies Natalis Diesrede en laudatio's eredoctoraten Vijfentachtigste dies natalis / Foundation Day Foucation day speech and laudations Doctores honoris causa eighty-fifth foundation day. Rotterdam (Erasmus University) 1998, 19-21, 44-46.

Jos de Mul. Virtual Reality as technology, ontology and art. In: R. Riha (ed.) Aesthetics as Philosophy. Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Aesthetics. Part 1: Introductionary and Invited Papers, Ljubljana (ZRC SAZU) 1999, 165-184.


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