约斯·德·穆尔:《从开放设计到元设计——3D打印数据库本体的冲击》,《社会科学战线》2014年第10期。[Jos de Mul, From open design to metadesign. Social Science Front, no.10, 2014, 248-254]

国外社会科学从开放设计到元设计(metadesign)  ——3D打印数据库本体的冲击


(伊拉斯谟大学哲学系,荷兰鹿特丹 3062PA)



Jos de Mul, The possibility of an island. Michel Houellebecq's tragic humanism. Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Vol. 1 (2014), Issue 1, pp. 91–110.

Abstract: Various authors, including Friedrich Nietzsche and George Steiner, have argued that the tragic worldview, as we find it expressed in Greek tragedy, has become an entirely incomprehensible phenomenon for (post)modern man. The claim defended in this article radically opposes this view. It is argued that tragedy can still teach us something today, and maybe even more so now than in the many intervening centuries that separate us from her days of glory in the fifth century bce. The tragic reveals itself once more in (post)modern society, and nowhere more clearly than in technology, the domain in which we believed the tragic had been domesticated or even eliminated. Referring to the tragic humanism in Michel Houellebecq’s novels The Elementary Particles and The Possibility of an Island it is argued that it is precisely in (post)modern (bio)technologies that we experience the rebirth of the tragic.

Keywords: tragedy, technology, humanism, transhumanism, Michel Houellebecq, Friedrich Nietzsche

Jos de Mul, Comprendere la natura. Dilthey, Plessner e la bioermeneutica. Lo Sguardo - rivista di filosofia. Vol. 14, no.1 (2014), 117-134.

Abstract: In recent years, authors like Chebanov, Markŏs, and Ginev have attempted to implement hermeneutic categories in the domain of biology. Against this background, the author takes Dilthey’s scattered remarks on the notion of the organic and Plessner’s biophilosophy as his starting point for the development of a biohermeneutical theory of biological purposiveness, which aims at bridging the gulf between the natural and the human sciences. Whereas the natural and human sciences are closely connected with a third-person and a first-person perspective respectively, the author argues that the second-person perspective plays a crucial role in the life sciences. In opposition to the natural sciences, in which causality is the key notion, and the human sciences, which rest on the notion of meaning, the author argues that the central concepts that characterize the second-person perspective of the life sciences are functionality and intentionality.

Nella Lebensphilosophie di Dilthey, l’antropologia e la storia sono strettamente connesse. Come lo stesso Dilthey afferma in una sentenza spesso citata, «Was der Mensch sei, sagt ihm nur seine Geschichte»[2]. Tuttavia, per Dilthey storia significa solamente storia culturale. Per sviluppare una comprensione adeguata della condizione storica dell’uomo, dovremmo prendere in considerazione però anche la storia naturale. Dopo tutto, in quanto unità psico-fisica, l’Homo sapiens sapiens è il prodotto storico di un’iterazione complessa tra sviluppi sia naturali che culturali. Inoltre, all’epoca delle scienze della vita, la storia naturale e quella culturale sembrano sempre di più sconfinare l’una nell’altra. Le biotecnologie quali l’ingegneria genetica, l’ingegneria metabolica e il trapianto di genoma trasformano gli organismi in artefatti culturali e nel tentativo di creare la vita artificiale (probabilmente il Santo Graal della biologia di sintesi), gli artifatti culturali manifestano via via maggiori qualità prima riservate alla vita organica.

ホモ・ルーデンス2.0 [Homo ludens 2.0] >, in: Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture. Special issue "Homo ludens 2.0. International workshop with Prof. Jos de Mul".  Volume 26, no.1 (2014),  1-18

ジョス・デ・ムル1)/樫田祐一郎,雁木 聡,原 草平(訳)



序戯〔前戯 foreplay

 この世界を幽霊が徘徊している―遊戯性という名の幽霊が。我々は今や,世界規模の「文化の遊戯化〔ludification〕」を目撃している。「遊戯的な〔ludic〕」という単語が,ヨーロッパやアメリカにおいて,遊び心に満ちた振る舞いや人工物を言い表すための語として定着した1960 年代以降,遊戯性はますます我々の文化における主流な特徴となってきている。この文脈でまず心に浮かぶのは,ひょっとするとコンピュータ・ゲームの途方も無い人気であるかもしれない。世界的な売り上げに関する限りでは,それらは既にハリウッド映画をも凌ぐほどになっているのだ。アメリカでの最近の研究によれば,8歳から18歳までの子供達は,一日に平均して90分はディスプレイ画面やコンピュータ,或いは携帯式のゲーム機(携帯電話も含む)でコンピュータ・ゲームに興じているとのことである2)。これは決して西洋に限った現象ではない。たとえば,韓国では全人口のおよそ3分の2が頻繁にオンラインゲームで遊んでおり,コンピュータ・ゲームは最も成長著しい産業の一つにして「韓国経済を駆動させる鍵」3)ともなっている。

Jos de Mul. The biotechnological sublime. From nature to technology and back. Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. The Institute Letter. Spring 2013, 17.

Many things are awesome, but none more awesome than man.


Every once in a while we experience something extraordinary. Such ‘awesome’ experiences might happen in our research, when we unexpectedly discover something really amazing, or when we come across a magnificent landscape, hear a piece of music that really moves us, or when we fall deeply in love. Traditionally these kinds of extraordinary experiences are called “sublime”. In the following I will present some reflections on one particular kind of sublimity: the technological sublime.

约斯·德·穆尔  著《阐释学视界——全球化世界的文化间性阐释学》麦永雄 方頠玮  译 《外国美学》第20辑 [Jos de Mul, Hermeneutic perspective: Intercultural hermeneutics in a globalized world. International Aesthetics, no. 20 (2012), 312-336]


约斯·德·穆尔  著 麦永雄 方頠玮   译

摘要:本文从 “经验视界”的常用隐喻出发,探讨文化间性阐释学(intercultural hermeneutics)的三种不同类型,它分别把阐释学的诠释构想成视界拓展,视界融合和视界播撒。可以认为,阐释学史上这些赓续的阶段分别源于——但并非是严格地限于——全球化的前现代、现代和后现代阶段。以中西语言和哲学相遇合的一些令人瞩目的契机为例,对文化间性阐释学这三种类型的优长和不足展开讨论。要论辩的是,尽管从理论的视野来看,这三种阐释学类型是互相排斥的,但是作为当代阐释的存在方式,我们有赖于这三种不同的阐释学实践,并且无法避免地与它们共生。


约斯·德·穆尔, 数据库美学与全球化世界,雷礼锡译,载范明华主编:《美学与艺术研究》,第2辑,武汉:武汉大学出版社,2010: 421-424  [Jos de Mul, Database aesthetics and globalizing worlds, in Research on Art and Aesthetics, Vol. 2 (edited by Fan Minghua). Wuhan University Press, 2010,  421-424]

约斯·德·穆尔1 撰      雷礼锡2

(1伊拉斯谟大学 哲学系 荷兰 鹿特丹;2 襄樊学院 美术学院 湖北 襄樊 441053)




约斯·德·穆尔,里斯贝思·努尔德格拉芙 :《主权债务危机还是苏菲的抉择:论欧洲的悲剧、罪恶与责任》《新华文摘》2012年第13期全文转载 [Jos de Mul andLiesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens, The sovereign debt crisis or Sophie’s choice. On European tragedies, guilt and responsibility),(originally published in Social Science Front no.4 2012), Xinhua Digest, no.14 2012]. 

(1作者简介: 约斯·德·穆尔( Jos de Mul), 荷兰伊拉斯谟大学哲学系教授, 研究方向: 哲学人类学; 里斯贝思·努尔德格拉芙(Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens), 伊拉斯谟大学经济系副教授, 研究方向: 哲学、经济学。郾伊拉斯谟大学哲学系, 荷兰鹿特丹3000 DR; 2郾伊拉斯谟大学经济学系, 荷兰鹿特丹3000 DR)

摇摇摘要: 2011 年, 针对金融危机, 欧洲峰会叠起, 但效果不佳。 我们应该开始在金融领域之外进行深入 思考。 文章将以希腊神话中俄狄浦斯的故事及《苏菲的选择》 为例, 阐释悲剧的意义, 从而透视欧洲危机 的深层问题。 解决欧洲危机的关键在于唤起人的责任感。 新自由主义弊端开始在欧洲显现, 当前, 迫切需 要将政治与经济联系起来, 在政治和文化的意义上定义欧洲, 而不是纠结于金融政策的改革。

关键词: 欧洲; 主权债务危机; 悲剧; 责任
中图分类号: G02摇文献标识码: A摇文章编号: 0257-0246 (2012) 04-0229-05

约斯·德·穆尔 里斯贝思·努尔德格拉芙 《主权债务危机还是苏菲的抉择:论欧洲的悲剧、罪恶与责任》《社会科学战线》2012年第4期 [Jos de Mul and Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens. The sovereign debt crisis or Sophie’s choice. On European tragedies, guilt and responsibility, Social Science Front, no.4 2012, 1-5]

(1作者简介: 约斯·德·穆尔( Jos de Mul), 荷兰伊拉斯谟大学哲学系教授, 研究方向: 哲学人类学; 里斯贝思·努尔德格拉芙(Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens), 伊拉斯谟大学经济系副教授, 研究方向: 哲学、经济学。郾伊拉斯谟大学哲学系, 荷兰鹿特丹3000 DR; 2郾伊拉斯谟大学经济学系, 荷兰鹿特丹3000 DR)

摇摇摘要: 2011 年, 针对金融危机, 欧洲峰会叠起, 但效果不佳。 我们应该开始在金融领域之外进行深入 思考。 文章将以希腊神话中俄狄浦斯的故事及《苏菲的选择》 为例, 阐释悲剧的意义, 从而透视欧洲危机 的深层问题。 解决欧洲危机的关键在于唤起人的责任感。 新自由主义弊端开始在欧洲显现, 当前, 迫切需 要将政治与经济联系起来, 在政治和文化的意义上定义欧洲, 而不是纠结于金融政策的改革。

关键词: 欧洲; 主权债务危机; 悲剧; 责任
中图分类号: G02摇文献标识码: A摇文章编号: 0257-0246 (2012) 04-0229-05

Tragedy and repetition. XPONIKA AIΣΘHTIKHΣ / Annales d'esthetique / Annals for Aesthetics, Vol.46. Volume B (2011), 191-202.

Abstract  According to writers such as Nietzsche, Steiner, and Oudemans and Lardinois the tragic culture of the Greeks has become entirely alien to us. They argue that within the Christian and modern worldview there is no place for tragedy anymore. In this article it is claimed that this does not entail in any shape or form that tragic events cannot take place anymore within Christian and modern culture. In modern culture this particularly happens, with no lack of tragic irony, precisely in the domain in which we believed tragedy had been eliminated: (our interaction with) technology.

Although technological tragedies differ in many respects from classical tragedies, they also show deep continuities. Just as in the case of their classical models, the behavior of the tragic heroes of our time is characterized by miscalculation (hamartia), blindness (atè) with regard to the tragic reality and foolhardiness (hybris).Now, tragic events do not automatically raise tragic awareness. Tragedies are characterized by the fact that the tragic heroes – unlike the spectators – are unaware of the fate that is befalling them, and coming about because of them. But most tragedies also have a reversal of circumstances (peripéteia), a moment at which hopeful expectation crumbles and the hero suddenly becomes aware of his tragic position. Postmodernity is another way of saying that modern culture recognizes itself as tragic.

Jos de Mul. Le sublime (bio)technologique. Diogène. No.233-234 (2011), 25-37.

Si le concept de sublime a été employé par le passé pour exprimer l'impuissance ressentie par l'homme dans ses tentatives de représentation de la Nature, la condition postmoderne – d'où la Nature même a été évincée – a donné lieu à une notion du sublime au sein de laquelle les êtres humains se retrouvent confrontés à leurs propres créations.
Dale Chapman


Depuis son émergence en tant que discipline distincte dans le champ de la philosophie, au milieu du XVIIIe siècle1, l'histoire de l'esthétique manifeste deux tendances remarquables qui reflètent plusieurs développements spécifiques propres à l'art et à la culture (post)modernes en général. D'un côté, le développement de l'esthé- tique se caractérise par une spéciation remarquable ainsi que par la multiplication des catégories esthétiques. Si l'esthétique des premiers temps se concentrait essentiellement sur la catégorie du beau, une multitude de nouveaux concepts esthétiques, tels que le sublime, l'ironique, le comique, l'absurde et le banal, a émergé au début du XIXe siècle et s'impose encore aujourd'hui. Il est évident que cette expansion reflète les développements propres à l'art mo- derne lui-même qui n'a cessé d'élargir le champ de l'expérience et de l'expression esthétiques. Les beaux-arts sont devenus les arts qui ne sont plus beaux.

Jos de Mul. Etiketten plakken op de golven van de zee: Frederik van Eeden als vitalist. Frederik van Eeden-Genootschap. Mededelingen LV. Maart 2011, 6-19.



Laat ik mijn voordracht beginnen met het uitspreken van enkele woorden van dank en vrees. Laat ik met de dank beginnen. Het is mij een grote eer vandaag de jaarlijkse rede voor het illustere Frederik van Eeden-Genootschap te mogen uitspreken. Vooral gezien het feit dat we dit jaar, morgen om precies te zijn, de 150ste geboortedag van Frederik van Eeden vieren. Het is mij tevens een groot genoegen, omdat Frederik van Eeden ook een van mijn grote literaire jeugdliefdes is geweest en een belangrijke stempel heeft gedrukt op mijn persoonlijke ontwikkeling gedurende mijn middelbare schooljaren, en die jaren behoren – zeker als het gaat om de artistieke, politieke en filosofische voorkeuren die men ontwikkelt – tot de belangrijkste in een mensenleven.


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