Jos de Mul. Transhumanisme - de convergentie van evolutie, humanisme en informatietechnologie. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. Vol. 45, 2005, no. 2, 159-176.

Het humanisme (…) is niets anders dan het vertrouwen, dat de geestelijke krachten, die nodig zijn om het leven tot zijn hoogste mogelijkheden te brengen, gewekt worden door de omgang met mensen in heden en verleden, die over die krachten beschikken - H.J. Pos

Het humanistische gedachtegoed is in de afgelopen eeuwen uitgekristalliseerd via een groot aantal confrontaties en interacties met andere stromingen. Zoals Harry Kunneman terecht heeft opgemerkt zijn de humanisten daarbij in het verleden veelal in het offensief geweest: “Als vertegenwoordigers van een universele mensvisie trokken zij ten strijde tegen traditionalisme en religieus dogmatisme, in naam van waarden als redelijkheid, gelijkwaardigheid, medemenselijkheid en onbelemmerde zelfontplooiing. In die strijd wisten zij de geschiedenis aan hun zijde, de geschiedenis van de westerse beschaving en daarmee ook de geschiedenis van de mensheid, vanaf het stralende begin van de ware humanitas in de antieke cultuur tot en met het uitzicht  op ‘welvaart en welvaren voor allen’ dat door industrialisering, modernisering en verwetenschappelijking geboden werd. Het positieve zelfbeeld van het twintigste-eeuwse humanisme wordt ten diepste door zijn zelfbewuste moderniteit gestempeld, door het trotse besef ten opzichte van religie en traditie de positieve, toekomstgerichte kracht te vertegenwoordigen”.[1] Volgens Kunneman lijken de rollen aan het einde van de twintigste  eeuw omgedraaid. In het bijzonder in de confrontatie tussen humanisme en postmodernisme zijn het de humanisten die in de verdediging worden gedrongen.

Jos de Mul. From Mobile Ontologies to Mobile Aesthetics. In: Contemporary Aesthetics. Special Volume I: Aesthetics and Mobility. 2005, 12 p.

We are living in a globalizing world, characterized by constant and rapid innovation. As we are inclined to go with this flow and its accompanying discourse of mobility, there is a danger that we overlook the persistence of cultural traditions. However, this paper argues that important differences exist between pre-modern, modern and post-modern traditions with regard to the form mobility takes. After a short discussion of the role information and communication technologies play in post-modern traditions, it is argued that these technologies transform our world, and not only our electronic files, into a global database and, as a consequence, generate a mobile stream of post-historic phenomena. In the conclusion some implications of the presented "database ontology" for the arts and aesthetic theory are discussed.

Key Words
cultural traditions, information and communication technologies, mobility, pre-modern, modern and post-modern traditions, post-history

Jos de Mul. From Odyssey to cyberpunk. Literary exploration of space vs. spatial exploration of literature. XPONIKA AIΣΘHTIKHΣ/ Annales d'esthetique / Annals for Aesthetics, Vol.42, 2004: 111-127.

For a long time now the traditional book, the most traditional means of preserving and communicating thoughts, has been predestined to disappear, just like cathedrals, city walls, museums, and the ideal of pacifism - Tomasso Filippo Marinetti


“The matrix has its roots in primitive arcade games," said the voice-over, "in early graphics programs and in military experimentation with cranial jacks." On the Sony a two-dimensional space war faded behind a forest of mathematically generated ferns, demonstrating the spatial possibilities of logarithmic spirals; cold blue military footage burned through, lab animals wired into test systems, helmets feeding into fire control circuits of tanks and war planes. "Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts.… A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding...." 

Jos de Mul. Digitally mediated (dis)embodiment. Plessner's concept of excentric positionality explained for Cyborgs. Information, Communication & Society, Volume 6, no.2 (2003), 247-265.

A b s t r a c t

This article aims to demonstrate that the philosophical anthropology of the German philosopher Helmuth Plessner (1892–1985) enables us to gain a better understanding of the experiential presuppositions and implications of informa- tion and communication technologies, such as telepresence and virtual reality, than we can obtain through interpretations that start from a dualistic, Cartesian ontology. With the help of Plessner’s concept of ‘excentric positionality’, developed in Levels of Organic Life and the Human (1928), Hans Moravec’s Utopian claims about the possibility of disembodied existence in cyberspace are criti- cized and an alternative, more adequate interpretation is presented. It is argued that the corporal ‘poly-excentric positionality’ that is inherent in the human experience of telepresence and virtual reality, radicalizes the existential ‘home- lessness’ which characterizes human life.

K e y w o r d s  Plessner, Moravec, philosophical anthropology, telepresence, virtual reality, excentric positionality, poly-excentric positionality, ontology, dualism, Cartesianism

n.b. For a substantially improved version of my argument, see Jos de Mul. Polyzentrizität und Poly(ex)zentrizität: neue Stufen der Positionalität? Zu Telerobotern, Craniopagus-Zwillingen und globalen Gehirnen. In: A. Henkel & G. Lindemann (Hrsg.) Mensch und Welt im Zeichen der Digitalisierung. Baden Baden: Nomos, 2019, 187-207.

Jos de Mul. Hegel, Heidegger, Adorno and the Ends of Art. In: Dialogue and Universalism, 2003, No.11-12, 23-41.


In this paper the author argues that a post-metaphysical reading of Hegel's theory of the end of classical and romantic art can not only help us better fathom Adorno's and Heidegger's discussion of the end of modern art, but at the same time puts us in a better position than Adorno and Heidegger to understand the transformation from modern to postmodern art. Referring to the hypertext novel Afternoon by Michael Joyce as an example, the author argues that this transformation places the arts in a new relationship with technology. One of the most important tasks of philosophical reflection on art at the beginning of the twenty-first century is to help us to understand this technological transformation conceptually. The author argues that the work of Adorno and Heidegger can help us to do this, but that this demands attempts to overcome the modernistic remnants in their concept of art and technology and openness towards the secrecy that is embodied in technological art.

Key words: Hegel, Adorno, Heidegger, art and technology, end(s) of art, hypertext

Jos de Mul. Das Schauspiel des Lebens. Dilthey and the historical biography. In: Revue Internationale de Philosophie, (2003), no.2, 99-116. 

"Uber den wissenschaftlichen Charakter der Biographie sind die Ansichten der Historiker geteilt"[1]. These words, written by Wilhelm Dilthey about a hundred years ago, are just as true today as they were then. As in Dilthey's time, many historians still deny that the historical biography is scientific in nature, because of its narrative and literary character. It isn't without irony that authors of literary fiction, conversely, often doubt the literary character of historical biographies because they are not entirely a work of imagination. One might say that historical biography is situated in a no-man's land between art and science.

Jos de Mul. Hegel, Heidegger, Adorno in konci umetnosti (in Slovenian). Filosofsji Vestnik. Vol. XXIII, 2002, no. 1, 103-136.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be impossible to convert the PDF version of the Slovenian text into a readable HTML version without knowledge of the Slovenian language, which I do not possess. However, the PDF version of the Slovenian text can be downloaded (see the red button above). Moreover, the English version of this article can be read as HTML.

Jos de Mul. 디지털 다자인. 가상 세계의 온톨로지를 향하여 [Digital Dasein. Towards an ontology of virtual worlds]. Art Magazine Wolgan Misool (Seoul) 2002, February issue) 110-113.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be impossible to convert the PDF version of the Korean text into a completely readable HTML version.  However, the correct PDF version of the Korean text can be downloaded (see the red button above). Moreover, the English version of this article can be read as HTML.

Jos de Mul. Het einde van het einde. Enkele reflecties op het posthistorische karakter van de informatietechnologie. In: Informatie professional. Jaargang 6, 2002, nr. 2, 28-31.

Het einde van het einde behelst enkele filosofische reflecties op het posthistorische karakter van de informatietechnologie. De reflecties zijn geschreven door Jos de Mul, hoogleraar in de filosofie van ICT aan de Erasmus Universiteit, ten behoeve van conferentie voor informatieprofessionals in de Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, 15 december 2002. 

Jos de Mul. Transhumanismo. La convergencia de evolutión, humanismo y tecnologia de la información (in Spanish), Arquitectonics (Edicions UPC), 2001,

Humanismo (...) no es otra cosa que confianza en que los poderes intelectuales necesarios para llevar la vida a su nivel mas
 alto estan inspirados por la asociación con las personas del presente y del futuro poseedoras de tales poderes.

H.J. Pos

Durante los siglos pasados el humanismo se ha desarrollado a través de un gran numero de confrontaciones e interacciones con otros movimientos. Como con razón observaba Harry Kunneman, el actual rector de la Universidad de Estudios Humanisticos de Utrecht y uno de los principales cerebros del movimiento humanista en los Paises Bajos, esto significa que en el pasado los humanistas tomaban a menudo la ofensiva: «Como defensores de una visión universal de la humanidad, ellos libraban una batalla contra el tradicionalismo y el dogmatismo religioso, en nombre de valores como justicia, igualdad, humanidad y realización personal sin restricciones. En esa lucha ellos tuvieron la historia de su lado — la historia de la civilización occidental y, por consiguiente, también la historia de toda la humanidad, desde el radiante inicio de la verdadera humanitas en la cultura antigua hasta la promesa de «prosperidad y bienestar para todos» ofrecida por la industrialización, modernización y el progreso cientifico. La imagen positiva que el humanismo del siglo XX ha formado de si mismo esta profundamente marcada por la autoconfianza propia de la modernidad, por el orgullo de saberse representante de un poder positivo y orientado al futuro, que al mismo tiempo respeta la religión y la tradición».1 A principios del siglo XXI, segun Kunnemann, los papeles perecen haberse invertido. Concretamente, en la confrontación entre el humanismo y el postmodernismo son los humanistas los que estan obligados a defenderse.

Jos de Mul. 2001: Cyberspace Odyssey. In: Krisis. Tijdschrift voor empirische filosofie, Jrg. 2, nr.2 (2001), 6-29.

De lijn is uitgestrekt in één richting, het vlak in  twee richtingen en vaste lichamen in drie richtingen; daarbuiten bestaat geen andere uitgestrektheid, want deze drie zijn alles.

De vierde dimensie en de niet-euclidische geometrie behoren tot de belangrijkste unificerende thema’s van de moderne kunst en wetenschap.
Linda Henderson

1 Een odyssee door ruimte en tijd 2.0

Stanley Kubricks film 2001: A Space Odyssey wordt terecht beschouwd als een van de hoogtepunten uit de geschiedenis van de sciencefiction. De uit 1968 stammende film wordt niet alleen geroemd vanwege zijn grote artistieke kwaliteiten en zijn nog altijd verbazingwekkende (analoge) special effects, maar vooral ook vanwege de ideeënrijkdom die er uit spreekt.[1] Vooral Kubricks indringende visie op de evolutie van het leven en de rol van de techniek daarin heeft nog niets aan betekenis ingeboet.

Jos de Mul. The Informatization of the worldview. In: Information, Communication & Society. Vol. 2, no. 1 (1999),69-94.


The development of information and communication technology in the second half of the twentieth century in crucial respects resembles the development of mechanics in the sixteenth and seventeenth century as it has been described by Dijksterhuis in his study The Mechanization of the World Picture. In both cases specific technological developments not only lead to important changes in the natural and human sciences, but also profoundly affect culture as a whole and eventually result in a fundamental change in worldview. In this article the author attempts to elucidate the present ‘informatization of the worldview’ in a twofold way. On the one hand, against the background of Dijksterhuis’ analysis of the concept of mèchanè, a clarification is given of the concept of information, which has become central to many sciences in the last decades. It is argued that much of the confusion and misuse that surrounds (the application of) this concept can be reduced by making a careful distinction between the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic dimensions of information. Next, on basis of this clarification, the author discusses the transformation from a mechanistic to an informationistic worldview. Whereas the mechanistic worldview is characterized by the postulates of analyzability, lawfulness and controllability, the informationistic worldview is characterized by the postulates of synthetizability, programmability and manipulability. It is argued that although the informationistic worldview in some respects (for instance it its mathematical orientation) is clearly a continuation of the mechanistic worldview, in other respects it fundamentally alters human experience and the evaluation of, and association with reality.


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