Jos de Mul. The Biolotechnological Sublime. Lecture at the international conference Theory and Modes of Beauty, Antwerp, Universiteit Antwerpen en Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. May 9, 2011.

Jos de Mul. Wat is natuur nog in dit land? Bijdrage aan het mini-symposium ter gelegenheid van de presxentatie van Peter-Paul Verbeek, De grens van de mens – Over techniek, ethiek en de menselijke natuur, Rotterdam, Boekhandel Donner (Lijnbaan), 15 april 2011.

Jos de Mul. Reading and writing in the Newest Stone Age. Invited lecture at  the Non-Fiction Conference 2011: Quality Non-Fiction in the Digital Era. Dutch Foundation for Literature. Amsterdam. January 28, 2011.










                                        Part 1                                                   &                                               Part 2

Jos de Mul. Korte lezing bij de presentatie van Marli Huijer & Martijntje Smits (red.), Moralicide - nieuwe morele vocabulaires voor technologie. Kampen: Klement, 2010. Ronald Plasterk neemt het eerste exemplaar in ontvangst. Boekhandel Donner Lijnbaar Rotterdam, 16 april.

Jos de Mul. De informatisering van het wereldbeeld. Herfst-Symposium Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetenschapsfilosofie: De informatisering van het wereldbeeld.  Sweelinckzaal, Universiteit Utrecht, Drift 21, 3512 JJ Utrecht. Dinsdag 12 oktober , 2010.

Jos de Mul. Multitasking. Keynote lecture at the International Conference on New Millennium Learners (OECD / Flemish Ministry of Education and Training). Brussels, September 22, 2009.

On the grand scale of worldwide changes that have occurred throughout the twentieth century the introduction and domestication of a range of new media is an important phenomenon. Telephone, radio, film, gramophone, television, walkman, audio and video recorders – all of these devices have come to be mundane elements of our everyday lifeworld. The advent of the personal computer can be labeled a new chapter in this history. The modern-day computer is an interactive multi-medium (also called a hyper-medium), which can simulate and merge each of the media mentioned before.

Nowadays, when we are on holiday we can call home from an internet café using Skype, simultaneously send a few digital holiday pictures, pass on some links with information on our holiday destination using the inbuilt chat box, and show in real-time the tan we’ve acquired via the web cam. All of this is aided by the fact that most personal computers and notebooks are now connected to the internet. Moreover, due to ongoing miniaturization the internet’s nodes become ever more mobile. Many vacationers don’t even have to go to an internet café anymore, since they can do all of the aforementioned things via their mobile phones or personal digital assistants (PDAs).

The development of mobile hypermedia has important social consequences. These days, users are connected to one another 24 hours a day. Now, a sense of sober-mindedness is never a bad thing in the world of new media. When we look at the data, for instance as regularly presented by the Dutch Social and Cultural Planning Bureau (the SCP), then on the surface things don’t appear to be all that bad in the Netherlands, compared to a country such as the United States – which always shows what’s in store for us, too. According to the SCP Dutch citizens spend an average of almost three hours on media use, which is slightly less than one third of their free time. Moreover, this number has stayed the almost same since 1975.

Jos de Mul. Virtual Romantics. Keylecture in the series Now is the Time (organized by  the University of Amsterdam, W139, Metropolis M and Stedelijk Museum), Amsterdam, January 29, 2009.

Jos de Mul. Wittgenstein 2.0.  Invited lecture. Department of Philosophy and Sociology. Beijing Normal University, December 21, 2009

Jos de Mul. Horizons of hermeneutics. Intercultural  Hermeneutics in the Age of Globalizing. International Conference Traditions in the Contemporary World. Beijing Normal University, December 13, 2009.

The text of the lecture is published and available on this website as: Jos de Mul. Horizons of Hermeneutics: Intercultural Hermeneutics in a Globalizing World.  Frontiers of Philosophy in China. Vol. 6, No. 4

Jos de Mul. Radical romanticism. Institute of Aesthetics. Beijing University. Beijing, December 11, 2009.

The English text of this lecture has been published as 'Radical romanticism in the age of the technological sublime' in Philosophy Cafe Sydney, April/May, 2009, 8-12.

A Chinese translation of this lecture has been published as  约斯·德·穆尔 , 激进浪漫主义 (Radical romanticism), in: 社会科学战线 (Social Science Front). 年第3期 (Issue 3, 2010), 第227-231页

Jos de Mul. Database Architecture. Invited lecture at the Second International Seminar Arquitectonics Network: Architecture and Virtuality. Barcelona, June 3-9, 2008.

Jos de Mul. Informatieoverlast. Lezing op op de conferentie Smart Society, georganiseerd door Verdonk, Klooster & Associates. Den Haag, 15 maart 2007.

Jos de Mul. Awesome pornography. Contribution to the symposium The Pornographic Universe. Celebration or extinction of desire?. Witte de With, Rotterdam, October 2, 2007.

Jos de Mul. Between image and concept. Invited lecture at the symposium "Aesthetics and the Dialogues Among Cultures". Organized by the Chinese Society of Aesthetics, Chengdu, China, June 27, 2006.

Jos de Mul. De Digitale Bibliotheek van Babel. Lezing in het kader van het symposium The next generation: Informatievoorziening in cyberspace. Bibliotheek Technische Universiteit Delft, 20 april, 2006.

Jos de Mul. l’Internet: espace public et enjeux de connaissance. Colloque organisé par le Collège international de Philosophie en collaboration avec le Ministère de la Recherche, l’École doctorale de l’I.E.P., et la revue [Sens] [Public]. Paris, Janvier 22, 2006.


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