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Jos de Mul. The Turing Test in recent science fiction films  A philosophical analysis against the background of the Turing-Wittgenstein Debate at the conference Digital Imaginaries of the Self. Technische Universität Dresden, July 8, 2019.

The goal of the international conference is to undertake an interdisciplinary discussion at the crossroad of different traditions and approaches (philosophy of technology, STS, media and cultural studies) centered on the digital technologies of the self. A specific attention will be devoted to the body and its functions, to the quantified self or lifelogging-related technologies, affective computing, connected prosthetics and sex robots. Beyond the specific differences, all these technologies are doing more than mediating between humans and their worlds: they are configuring new worldviews and new forms of life. On the one hand, according to an empirical perspective, researchers will map the multiple practices of digital tracking and digital self-representation; on the other hand, they will investigate from a symbolic perspective the way these practices are both always-already entangled and are actively contributing to the configuration of new imaginaries of the self.

The workshop is funded by the scientific program “PROSCOPE structurant” of the French embassy in Berlin, in collaboration with the French embassy in The Hague.



For the full program see the attached flyer. 


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