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In August 2014, the Chinese translation of Jos de Mul's  The Rebirth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Technology will be presented at the South China  Literature Festival  in Guangzhou (August 19-25, 2014). After the presentation, the author will be interviewed by translator Mai Yongxiong. They will also discuss previous Chinese publications of De Mul, such as Cyberspace Odyssey. So far, four books and a dozen articles of Jos de Mul have been published in Chinese translation.

The South China Book Festival is the most massive and influential Book Festival in China. In 2013, millions of citizens participated the festival. In 2014, the focus is on Dutch Literature.  Kader Abdolah, Abram de Swaan, Jelle Reumer, and Jos de Mul have been been invited as special guests at the 'Dutch Literature Week, entitled 'Blooming Tulip in Flower City Guangzhou'.

For more information, see the website of the Dutch Foundation for Literature.


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