As a full professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Its History at the Rotterdam School of Philosophy of Erasmus University Rotterdam I have supervised 33 PhD students until August 2022. Although retired since then, I still supervise several PhD projects. What follows is a list of all completed and running Phd projects.
Completed PhD projects
The first title mentioned indicates the language in which the PhD thesis is written. The title between the square brackets indicates the language in which the summary is written.
1. Dr. Niels Helsloot (†), Nietzsches vrolijke wetenschap. Nietzsche als vriend [Gaya scienza. Nietzsche as a Friend]. Second promotor: Prof.dr. A.C. Zijderveld (Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: 10-09-1999. Publication: N. Helsloot, Vrolijke wetenschap. Nietzsche als vriend. Baarn: Agora, 1999.
2. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bakker, Tijd van Lezen. Transformaties van de literaire ruimte [A Philosophy of Reading: Receptive Literary Imagination in Oral, Writing and Electronic Cultures]. PhD defense: 30-09-1999. Publication: J.H. Bakker, Tijd van lezen. Best: Damon, 1999.
3. Dr. Timon Slootweg, Historisch besef bij Hegel, Heidegger en Derrida [The Development of Historical Awareness: Hegel, Heidegger and Derrida]. Copromotor: Dr. A. van den Braembussche (Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Rotterdam). PhD defense: 23-11-2000.
4. Prof. dr. Joost Raessens, Vivre la différance. Deleuze en de cinematografische moderniteit [Deleuze and Cinematographic Modernity]. Copromotor: Dr. F. Kessler (Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University). Promotie / PhD defense: 21-9-2001. Publicatie / Publication: J. Raessens, Filosofie & Film: Vivre La Difference : Deleuze En de cinematografische moderniteit. Budel: Damon, 2001.
5. Dr. Peter Sas, The Social Nature of Normative Agency: Towards a Socio-transcendental Naturalism [De sociale natuur van normatief actorschap: naar een socio-transcendentaal naturalisme]. PhD Defense: 1-11-2001.
6. Prof. dr. Ger Groot, Vier ongemakkelijke filosofen. Nietzsche, Cioran, Bataille, Derrida (Four Uneasy Philosophers: Nietzsche, Cioran, Bataille, Derrida) [Vier unbequeme Philosophen: Nietzsche, Cioran, Bataille, Derrida]. Second promotor: Prof.dr. S. IJsseling (Faculty of Philosophy, Katholic University Leuven). PhD defense 17-04- 2002. Publication: G. Groot, Vier ongemakkelijke filosofen. Nietzsche, Cioran, Bataille, Derrida, Amsterdam: Boom/ SUN.
7. Dr. Sietze Steenstra, ‘We are the noise between stations’. The Work of David Byrne: Popular Music, Performance Art, Cultural Anthropology and Romantic Philosophy ['Wij zijn het geruis tussen de stations'. Het werk van David Byrne: Populaire muziek, performance kunst, culturele antropologie en romantische filosofie]. Copromotor: G.A.M. Widdershoven (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Maastricht). PhD defense: 6-5-2003.
8. Prof.dr. Christiane Seidel, Persons, Self-Conceptions and Self-Self Relations [Persoon-zijn, zelf-begrip en zelf-relaties]. Copromotor: Prof.dr. Lynne R. Baker (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA). Defense: 23-03-2006. Download thesis.
9. Dr. André Nusselder, Interface Fantasy. A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology. PhD Defense: 17-11-2006. Publication: Interface Fantasy. A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009. Download thesis.
10. Dr. Frederik Christiaan Woudhuizen (†). The Ethnicity of the Sea People. First promotor: Prof.dr. W. van Binsbergen. Phd Defense: 28-04-2006. Download thesis.
11. Dr. Awee Prins, Uit Verveling [Being Bored]. PhD Defense: 16-02-2007. Publication: Uit Verveling. Kampen: Klement, 2007 (8th print run 2009). Download thesis.
12. Dr. Elke Müller, Tijdreizen in de grot. Virtualiteit en lichamelijkheid van panorama tot CAVE [Time-travelling in the Cavern. Virtuality and Embodiment from Panorama to CAVE]. PhD defense: April 16, 2009. Publication: Tijdreizen in de grot. Virtualiteit en lichamelijkheid van panorama tot CAVE. Kampen, Uitgeverij Klement, 2009.
13. Prof. dr. Bibi van den Berg, The Situated Self. Identity in a World of Ambient Intelligence [Het gesitueerde zelf. Identiteit in een wereld van Ambient Intelligence]. Second promotor: Prof.dr. V, Frissen (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: 23-04-2009. Download thesis.
14. Prof. dr. Till Düpe, The Phenomenology of Economics. Life-World, Formalism, and the Invisible Hand [Fenomenologie van de economie. Levenswereld, formalisme, en de onzichtbare hand]. Second promotor: Prof.dr. A. Klamer (Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: 26-05-2009. Download thesis.
15. Dr. Harry van den Bouwhuijsen, In de schaduw van God. Waarom binnen het christendom natuurwetenschap wel en menswetenschap niet van de grond kon komen [In the Shadow of God. Why Natural Science Could and Science of Man Could Not Develop in Christian Culture]. Copromotor: Dr. F.A. Muller (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam / Faculty of Science, Utrecht University) . PhD defense: 18-03-2010. Publication: In de schaduw van God. Waarom binnen het christendom natuurwetenschap wel en menswetenschap niet van de grond kon komen. Kampen: Klement, 2010. Download thesis.
16. Prof.dr. Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens, Contested Communication. A Critical Analysis of Central Bank Speech [Speculatief spreken. Een kritische analyse van centrale bank communicatie]. Second and third promotors: Prof.dr. Philip Hans Franses & Prof.dr. Dick van Dijk (Faculty of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: 19-10-2010. Download thesis.
17. Dr. Jeroen Timmermans, Playing with Paradoxes. Identity in the Web 2.0 Era [Spelen met paradoxen. Identiteit in het web 2.0 tijdperk]. PhD project within the context of the NWO-funded research programme Playful Identities. From Narrative to Ludic Identity. Second and third promotors: Prof.dr. Valerie Frissen & Prof. dr. Joost Raessens (Utrecht University). PhD defense: 16-11-2010. Download thesis.
18. Dr. Michiel de Lange, Moving Circles: Mobile Technologies and Playful Identities [Bewegende circels. Mobiele technologieen en speelse identiteiten]. PhD project within the context of the NWO-funded research programme Playful Identities. From Narrative to Ludic Identity. Second promotor: Prof.dr. Valerie Frissen (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam) & Dr. Joost Raessens (Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University). PhD defense: 16-11- 2010. Download thesis.
19. Dr. Stuart Griffin, New Music and Adorno's Melancholia. Philosophical Dissonance in Adorno's Music aesthetics [Nieuwe muziek en Adorno's melancholie. Filosofische dissonanties in Adorno's muzikale esthetica]. Copromotor: Dr. Konrad Boehmer. PhD defense: 8-09-2011. Download thesis.
20. Dr. Frank Maet, Nieuwe artistieke tijden. Een filosofische kritiek van een door technologie bepaalde kunst / New Artistic Times. A Philosophical Critique of the Relation Between Art and Technology. PhD defense: 17-11-2011. Download thesis.
21. Dr. C.D.C. van der Veeke, Interactivity and Interpassivity in Politics (Interactiviteit en interpassiviteit in de politiek). Copromotor: Dr. G. van Oenen (Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam). This PhD project is part of the NWO-project Interactive metal fatigue. The interpassive transformation of democratic life. PhD Defense: 16-05-2012. Download thesis.
22. Dr. Marianne van den Boomen, Transcoding the Digital. How Metaphors Matter in New Media. [De transcodering van het digitale. Hoe metaforen ertoe doen in nieuwe media]. Second and third promotor: Prof.dr. C. Slade and Prof.dr. J. Raessens (Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University). PhD defense: 12-02-2014. Download thesis.
23. Prof. dr. Stefano Gualeni. Augmented Ontologies: The Question Concerning Digital Technology and Projectual Humanism. [Geaugmenteerde Ontologieen: De Vraag naar Digitale Technologie en Ontwerpend Humanisme]. PhD defense: 17-04-2014. Download thesis.
24. Dr. Henriëtta Joosten. Nietzsche’s New Dawn. Educating students to strive for better in a dynamic professional world [Nietsches nieuwe dageraad : studenten leren streven naar beter in een dynamische beroepspraktijk]. First promotor: Prof.dr. Marli Huijer (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: 12-11-2015. Download thesis.
25. Dr. Daniel Vargas. Breathing Art into life. The political role of artistic networks in Intermedial times. [Kunst in het leven blazen : de politieke rol van artistieke netwerken in intermediale tijden]. Copromotor: Dr. H.A.F. Oosterling. PhD defense: 19-11-2015. Download thesis.
26. Prof.dr. Esther Keymolen. Trust on the Line. A philosophical exploration of trust in the networked era. [Online vertrouwen onder druk : een filosofisch onderzoek naar vertrouwen in het netwerktijdperk]. Second promotor: Prof.dr. Valerie Frissen (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: 21 april 2016. Download thesis.
27. Dr. Niels van Poecke. Reshaping Authenticity The Production, Aesthetics and Reception of Independent Folk Music in the Netherlands (1993-present). [Authenticiteit Herzien : de productie, distributie en consumptie van indie-folk in Nederland (1993-heden)]. Genres. Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. First promotor: Koen van Eijck (ESHCC/EUR). PhD defense: 02-11-2017. Download thesis.
28. Dr. Tina Rahimy. Voices of Diaspora. Philosophy, Politics, Art and the Construction of Refugee Subjectivity [Politiek van het vluchten. Een filosofische toevlucht]. Copromotor: Dr. H.A.F. Oosterling). PhD defense: 14-12-2017. Download thesis.
29. Dr. Bert van den Bergh, De gestolen stoornis. Een cultuurfilosofische duiding van de ‘depressie-epidemie’. [The Stolen Disorder. A cultural-philosophical interpretation of the ‘depression epidemic’]. First promotor: Prof.dr. Marli Huijer (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). Defense: 06-04-2018. Download thesis.
30. Dr. Robin van den Akker. The Social Production of Hybrid Space. [De Sociale Productie van Hybride Ruimte]. Second promotor: Prof.dr. Valerie Frissen (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University). PhD defense: June 28, 2018. Download thesis.
31. Dr. Joris Raven, Realtime realiteit. Een exploratie van taal, techniek en tijd met Martin Heidegger en Sybren Polet [Realtime Reality. Exploring language, technology and time with Martin Heidegger and Sybren Polet]. PhD defense: September 2, 2020. Copromotores: Dr. A.W. Prins & Dr. Maren Wehrle (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). Download thesis.
32. Dr. Miranda Cornelisse. Authenticity and Sustainability in Tourism and Tourism Studies. Co-promotor: Prof.dr. R. Welten (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: April 29, 2021. Download thesis.
33. Dr. Gerben Bakker, Veiligheidsbegeerte. Een kritiek van de veiligheidspolitieke controlementaliteit, in de geest van Hannah Arendt [Desiring Security A critique of the political mentality of security and control through the philosophy of Hannah Arendt]. First promotor: Prof.dr. Marli Huijer (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: December 2. Download thesis.
34. Dr. Joris Verheijen. Revolutie in de schoolgang. Radicaal-romantische Bildung in en buiten het onderwijs tussen 1789 en nu. First promotor: Prof.dr. M. Huijer (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense: July 4, 2024.
35. Dirk-Jan Laan (MA). Hoe te komen waar we zijn: een genealogie van de weg. Copromotor: Dr. Maren Wehrle (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense November 7, 2024.
Running PhD Projects
36. Joris Krijger (MA). Moral AI-gency. Second promotor: Prof.dr. E. Stamhuis. (Erasmus Law School, (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense expected Spring 2025.
37. Thijs Heijmeskamp (MA). Automaticity, control and moral agency. Copromotor: Dr. Katherina Bauer (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam).. PhD defense expected Spring 2025.
38. Eva Visser (MA). Technocrats and singularitarians: an historic, philosophical investigation of the social implications of the concept of technology of two technological utopian movements. Copromotor: Dr. Katherina Bauer (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam). PhD defense expected Autumn 2025.
39. Dr. Xin Chen (Virginia University, USA), Chinese and Western Conceptions of History (working title).
40. Rolf Viervant (MA). Hermes' Hormones. PhD project within the NWO project Second promotor: Prof.dr. Frank Grosveld. Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus Universiy Rotterdam)), Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
41. Ed Romein (MA). Becoming shrimp. Copromotor: Dr. Sjoerd van Tuinen (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam).
42. Jurn Kerkkamp (MA). Health and illness in the age of the algorithm. Second promotor: Prof. dr. Valerie Frissen (eLaw, Leiden University); Copromotor: Dr. Awee Prins (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam).
† Carien de Jong (MA). Sustainable Design (working title). Second promotor: Prof. dr. J.C. Brezet (Department Design Engineering, TU Delft).