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Due to the transition to Joomla 5 and the JA Teline V Magazine template, this website is under construction for the time being. The more than a thousand items relating to my publications, lectures and media appearances can all still be consulted, but for some (mostly older) items, text, images and/or audiovisual clips still have to be re-added or added. For details about the structure of this website and the use of the new database and search engine, click the READ MORE button.

This website contains more than a thousand items in eighteen different categories (scientific articles, book contributions and books, essays in newspapers and magazines, reviews, lectures, video and audio recordings, etc.), in more than a dozen languages, published during a writing life of now more than forty years. The website is available in two versions: one with a Dutch menu and one with an English menu. Both versions contain all items in all languages, but there are minor differences in presentation.

The menu bar on the homepage allows you to consult the different categories of items. Most articles, book contributions and essays, as well as some (open access) books, can be read in their entirety online and in many cases the formatted version, as originally published, can also be downloaded as a PDF. When the title of a publication contains a link, this leads to the online version of the relevant publication on the website of the newspaper, magazine, organization or publisher.

If you want to search the entire website  efficiently, it is best to use the search engine, with which items can be filtered by search term (full text search), category type, language and year, in every possible (re)combination. The search engine can also be used for those who only want to read items in one specific language.

Since migrating to version 4 of the free, open source content management system Joomla, I can no longer use the (k2) images  module that I used to add images and PDF attachments to the text of the items, due to incompatibility with Joomla 4, so I have to update all items.Although all items are available in the updated website, it will take some time before they are all provided with images and PDF attachments again. I started with the most recent items and now work back in time. With more than a thousand items, that is quite a job, so it can take some time. However,  the website is a more user friendly, thanks to several new functions, such as automatic adjustment to different image formats and mobile phones, a pleasantly readable reading mode in which font and size can be adjusted by the reader, extended social media support that enables the uiser to share items and a module that shows the most read items.

Thanks to Joep Kolijn for his valuable technical support!

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Nieuwe druk Kunstmatig van Nature: juni 2024.

Vanaf de derde druk verschijnt Kunstmatig van nature. Onderweg naar Homo sapiens 3.0 bij Uitgeverij Boom. Delen van dit boek behoren tot de VWO eindexamenstof Filosofie  2024 t/m 2028, die de vraag naar de mens in relatie tot wetenschap en techniek als thema heeft.

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