• Jos de Mul, Poetics of Genetics. Performance at the Biggest Visual Power Show. Paradiso Amsterdam, 20 January 20, 2005.

    Philosopher Prof. Dr. Jos de Mul – author of countless articles and books like 'Cyberspace Odyssey', 'Domestication of Fate' and 'Database Delirium' – was a speaker at the Biggest Visual Power Show 2005 in Paradiso, Amsterdam. Inspired by the images of Basia Knobloch and music of Lauri Anderson, professor De Mul decided to sing his lecture. 

    For someone who only has a hammer, everything appears to be a nail. For those who have computers, the world becomes a huge database.

    The Biggest Visual Power Show – NextNature -  is an intellectual spectacle blending a conference and a pop concert. BVPS mixes movies and live performance, morphs physical experiences into virtual imagination. The 2005 edition of the Biggest Visual Power Show was held in poptemple Paradiso, Amsterdam. Over twenty artists, scientist, writers, filmdirectors, architects, designers, presented their radical ideas, visionary statements and powerful imagery on how we can design, build and live in Next Nature.

     More about the NextNature Powershow at NextNature.net

  • 约斯·德·穆尔,里斯贝思·努尔德格拉芙 :《主权债务危机还是苏菲的抉择:论欧洲的悲剧、罪恶与责任》《新华文摘》2012年第13期全文转载 [Jos de Mul andLiesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens, The sovereign debt crisis or Sophie’s choice. On European tragedies, guilt and responsibility),(originally published in Social Science Front no.4 2012), Xinhua Digest, no.14 2012]. 

    (1作者简介: 约斯·德·穆尔( Jos de Mul), 荷兰伊拉斯谟大学哲学系教授, 研究方向: 哲学人类学; 里斯贝思·努尔德格拉芙(Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens), 伊拉斯谟大学经济系副教授, 研究方向: 哲学、经济学。郾伊拉斯谟大学哲学系, 荷兰鹿特丹3000 DR; 2郾伊拉斯谟大学经济学系, 荷兰鹿特丹3000 DR)

    摇摇摘要: 2011 年, 针对金融危机, 欧洲峰会叠起, 但效果不佳。 我们应该开始在金融领域之外进行深入 思考。 文章将以希腊神话中俄狄浦斯的故事及《苏菲的选择》 为例, 阐释悲剧的意义, 从而透视欧洲危机 的深层问题。 解决欧洲危机的关键在于唤起人的责任感。 新自由主义弊端开始在欧洲显现, 当前, 迫切需 要将政治与经济联系起来, 在政治和文化的意义上定义欧洲, 而不是纠结于金融政策的改革。

    关键词: 欧洲; 主权债务危机; 悲剧; 责任
    中图分类号: G02摇文献标识码: A摇文章编号: 0257-0246 (2012) 04-0229-05

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